Sports & Leisure Contributor
Email: bmacleod@fillthesteins.com
Twitter: @BMacME
Following UMaine graduation in 2001, Brian moved to Fort Kent, ME, where he promptly met his future wife, earned a promotion at work, and got the heck out of there. After spending eight splendid years in Hoboken, NJ, he and his wife bought a home in Falmouth, ME in early 2012 and welcomed their daughter into the world in early 2013. Brian is an avid sports fan, amateur poker player, proud food snob, and co-host of the Fill The Steins Podcast. He enjoys filling his stein with Miller Lite, PBR, Ketel One, and Knob Creek, though not all at once…usually.
Arts & Culture Contributor
E-Mail: mgrondin@fillthesteins.com
Twitter: @matteegee
After a time away in Boston, these days, Matt finds himself alongside his wife and daughter in Cumberland, Maine. He is nearly always in the baseball minority as an unapologetic Washington Nationals fan – but he’s just fine with that, thanks for asking. A sort of jack-of-all trades (Master’s degree in International Relations! PBS/NPR fiend! Budding handyman!), Matt’s passion is beer and spirits – he fills his stein with one of Maine’s great craft brews or an American bourbon- neat, if you please.
Adam Henckler
Community Contributor
E-Mail: ahenckler@fillthesteins.com
Twitter: @AdamHenckler
Somewhere between the aisles of Thirftway and the return window at Skeeter’s Redemption Center you will find our man about town. Spending the better part of 20 years around the Orono campus, Adam provides content from the community, coordinates our multimedia channels, and is the co-host/producer for the Fill The Steins Podcast. When he’s not searching Craigslist for used beer pong tables he’s the proud parent of two and the husband of one and fills his stein with beers that are complemented by fruit.
History Contributor
E-mail: jjenkins@fillthesteins.com
Twitter: @DoubleJ713
After a quarter century as a proud resident of Maine, Jon now finds himself smack-dab in the middle of Wildcat Territory, with his wife, son, daughter and yellow lab, living in Newmarket, NH. With a father-in-law who attended UNH and a sister-in-law who attended BU, there is always plenty of friendly trash talk come hockey season. On most days when asked, Jon’s son adamantly states “I Black Bear!” His heart, having never strayed too far from the good ol’ days at UMaine, Jon prefers his stein filled with Miller Lite.
Lifestyle Contributor
E-mail: kluhmann@fillthesteins.com
Twitter: @luhmski
A former member of the University of Maine Singers, Maine Steiners, and for a brief time (i.e. one practice) the Ultimate Frisbee Club, Keith has been living most of his post-graduate days in Hoboken, NJ. He is married to a lovely lady from Buffalo named Jessica and welcomed a daughter into the world in 2014. When they can find babysitting, Keith and his wife enjoy the culinary landscape of North Jersey and NYC. Keith enjoys road running, playing his Les Paul, busting tags with former Steiners, and fills his own stein with big Italian reds, American IPAs, Maker’s Mark, and Tanqueray.
Student Contributor
E-mail: gstockford@fillthesteins.com
Twitter: @StockyGReppinME
A freshmen from Bowdoinham, Griffin will be reporting from his on-campus office/residence in historic Cumberland Hall on everything from the best dining commons to the most likely place to find a parking space. While being an undergraduate he’s also underage so he will report on a variety of events and activities that even the youngest of stein fillers can enjoy while living on campus. Griffin is a journalism major focused on graduating in the spring of 2018 and while he’s focused on his studies he also enjoys the outdoors, playing and consuming a variety of sports, and working with horses on his family’s farm.
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